Delhi AIIMS director Dr. Randeep Guleria explains that the fungus lives in the air. This is what you see in the form of mildew on bread and black on tree trunks. This fungus mixes with mucus through your nose and goes into the skin of your nose. After this, this disease spreads very fast, spoiling everything and goes to the brain. It has a mortality rate of 50 percent.

People who have recovered from corona need more protection from moisture. According to doctors, there is a need to be careful at this time from the use of masks to the use of oxygen cylinders.

With the help of these measures, you can get rid of the moisture on the walls

Moisture spots on the walls are a sign that somewhere Water is coming. See if the paint is blooming. After that Try to figure out where the water might be coming from. It may be caused by a broken pipe or a broken tile. Ho. So prepare for repairs.
Let the fresh air in the house by opening the doors and windows Let it come in. dehumidification The best way may be cross ventilation. remember that Air circulates easily in the house. furniture off the wall Avoid placing it snugly and allow little air to pass through.

According to experts, on the walls outside the house. Use a good brand (like Asian Paint) of waterproof paint. Expert Say at least two coats of this paint or apply according to the company instructions. Increase the coverage area. Do not add too much water the quality of the paint may be affected.

If the cracks are formed joints of the walls in your house check them. Fill them with good quality filler before painting. Without this many times during the construction of the house brick and Cracks appear in the middle of the column.

घर में ब्लेक फंगस चेक करते वक्‍त ये सावधानी रखें

किसी भी तरह की फंगस चेक करते वक्‍त मास्क, ग्लव्स और सेफ्टी गॉगल का इस्तेमाल करें।

चेक करने के बाद मास्क,ग्लव्स और सेफ्टी गॉगल को अच्छी तरह साफ करें।

अगर फंगस काफी ज्यादा हे तो उसे हटाने के लिए प्रोफेशनल की मदद लें।

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